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Understanding and managing Enstar’s environmental impact is a key part of our ESG strategy. We have made significant progress on our climate journey, including:

  • Expanding the breadth of our environmental data reporting;
  • Participating in the CDP global Climate Change disclosure programme, achieving a ‘C’ rating in 2023; and
  • Undertaking a range of practical measures to reduce energy consumption, increase recycling and reduce waste.


Climate change presents both risks and opportunities. When assuming contracts, we focus on mitigating three major types of climate risk to drive sustainability:

  • Physical risks - (Short to Longer Term) are the first order risks arising from weather-related events, such as floods and storms. Their impact may be felt directly through property damage, or indirectly through subsequent events such as disruption of global supply chains or resource scarcity.
  • Transition risks - (Short to Medium Term) include financial risks deriving from the transition to a carbon net zero economy, and for Enstar include potential swift, adverse repricing of carbon-intensive financial assets.
  • Liability risks - (Short to Medium Term) include third-party exposures such as claimants who have suffered climate-change related losses and damage and seek compensation.


Tree Planting

To celebrate Enstar’s 30-year anniversary in 2023, we planted 30,000 trees across the UK, Ireland, USA, Bermuda, Australia and Africa. Click on the image below to view a short video with more information about our tree planting initiative.



"ESG is an increasingly important component of the inherent value of any business. Enstar’s accomplishments and initiatives in this area are an investment in our long-term value. Equally, they are simply the right things to do."


Emissions Reporting

In 2023, we expanded our environmental reporting to include our first-ever disclosure of Enstar’s Scope 3 (non-investment) emissions. The table below shows our 2022 and 2023 Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.


We continue to work on reducing our operational footprint. For more information, see our latest ESG report.



December 31, 2024


December 31, 2024


Shareholders' equity
December 31, 2024


Total acquisitive transactions since formation